What a neat weekend full of exciting things!
****pictures to come!!!**** First and foremost -- I have a new tattoo.
It is the hawtness extreme!!! Inked indelibly into my flesh on Friday by
Daniel Santoro of NY ADORNED. He did a lovely job, and was a fantastically
sweet person. The line work is mine, the colors are his (and boy does it look
Next, I have finished another four illos for Burning Wheel (see below). Belt of
Flying, Priapt of Fortitude, the Burning Wheel, and Hunters Boots. Im
amazed at how these came out (sometimes I surprise myself). I was a
little late hitting my deadline, the wheel and the belt illos took me
forever to work through -- mostly it was just me being wonky and unsure
about how I wanted to compose them. Once I got over my anxiety (a decent
nights sleep, and being home for the weekend helped) these worked
themselves out quite nicely. Pats on the back all around. Yay.
In other arty news, you should all go check out Anna-Marias blog. Shes
been posting some nice portfolio pieces of hers along with some neat progress
I saw AVENUE Q on Sunday w/ Kat and Corrie which was pretty cute, and
had a bunch of extra catchy songs like "The Internet is for Porn", and
"Everyone is a Little Racist." The whole puppet thing was really neat,
since the actors themselves aren't hidden behind any kind of screen,
they run around w/ the puppets in hand, but manage to make themselves a
part of the character, it was pretty impressive. Especially the lead
actor/puppeteer/puppet who had all of his movements perfectly
synchronized to his felty googlie-eyed puppet friend, which gave this
weird shadown quality to everything he did. It was neat, and not nearly
as corny as I feared it might be.
Many of you know I have a raging nerdie hard-on for DoctorWho, and I
keep having waves of excitement as the new season begins on April 18.
Seriously, the 18th cannot come soon enough. Im also excited to begin
watching the new season of Battlestar Galactica, which is also fabulous
in its own right (if sometimes a little depressing). I was so excited to
be going out regularly on Fridays and Saturdays, but now all plans must
be put on hold for my nerdiness.